Manual with screenshots and problems creating splits

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Manual with screenshots and problems creating splits

Post by NoCalJG »

When will there be an updated user manual with screenshots, as promised for some time on this site. I'm certainly not a newbie to computer music, but am constantly frustrated with trying to relate the all-text manual to what I see onscreen.

I'm also having a terrible time with the behavior of splits, especially with no screen shots to help. I've attached two screenshots of attempts on my iPad to create a simple split of Electric Bass in Slot 1 and Electric Guitar in Slot 2. You can see that one produces no split at all, just a single Electric Bass. The other does create the desired split, but with the guitar and bass actually appearing in the reverse of the desired slots.
No split at all
No split at all
Split failed.PNG (1.35 MiB) Viewed 6664 times
Slots reversed but at least present
Slots reversed but at least present
Split almost OK.PNG (1.35 MiB) Viewed 6664 times
Thanks through gritted teeth in advance for any help :x

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Re: Manual with screenshots and problems creating splits

Post by Jesse »

Sorry about the lack of updated manual!

The Splits and Slots are best thought of as entirely independent things that happen to be in the same popup. The #Splits control at the top defines how many separate playable areas are visible on screen, 1 means no splits, 2 is 2, etc. The instrument slots are the way to load up multiple simultaneous instruments. These could be used from within a split, OR they could be used externally via MIDI or IAA/Audiobus. In the case where you want a certain split to use a certain slot, you simply need to play a note on one split to make the *active* one (indicated by yellow bars at top/bottom of the screen), then simply tap the slot within the instrument slot list in the popup. This way you can have multiple splits use the same slot/instrument, or make them all different. The important thing is that there is no fixed relationship between splits and slots.

Hope that helps!

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Re: Manual with screenshots and problems creating splits

Post by NoCalJG »

Thanks so much! I'd ignored the critical step of making a slot active and think that will get me over the hump.
Glad you still have the user manual update on your list!

Hopeful :D :D

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