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Need multiple screen split modes

Posted: Mon Dec 31, 2012 1:41 pm
by anupkulkarni
Requesting to add multiple screen split modes. This way it would be easier to play TJ just like Geo Synth. Geo Synth has limitations & can't send vibrato & tremolo midi signals & hence TJ can not be coupled properly with it. If TJ can provide UI similar to Geo Synth then it would be really an awesome instrument for live performances.

Actually ThumbJam doesn't use

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2013 1:13 am
by Jesse
Actually ThumbJam doesn't use any particular "vibrato or tremolo" MIDI events, for vibrato it uses pitch bend messages which is exactly what Geo Synth sends when you do finger wiggles. Geo and TJ actually has one of the best couplings of any app combinations because of TJ's support of Geo's special note tie midi events so that simultaneous touches can all be handled correctly over long bends.

Perhaps there is a configuration issue that I could help you with to make Geo work the way you want with TJ?

Yeah Jesse, but is there any

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2013 2:58 am
by anupkulkarni
Yeah Jesse, but is there any way I can control vibrato by shake when using Geo? What I want is TJ to keep accepting shake signals in background when using Geo. Also while using Geo how can I control velocity? If I keep volume/velocity control as x-axis in TJ & then use Geo as controller, volume does change but I hear glitches while playing. Thus, ideally when using Geo as controller for TJ, I want two things to happen -

1. Control vibrato by phone shake.
2. Control velocity by finger position.

Is this possible Jesse? Could you please provide me necessary settings for this?

No, since Geo doesn't support

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2013 10:16 am
by Jesse
No, since Geo doesn't support shake, you can't get #1. iOS guidelines don't want background apps using the accelerometer (and possibly won't send the events) so I'm afraid TJ can only do shake when in the foreground.

I think the issues you are having with volume control via Geo is a bug in ThumbJam, it should be controlling the volume of only the voice/channel that is being sent, but is instead affecting the whole instrument. So when you use more than one touch in Geo, the two volume values are fighting with each other leading to the glitchy volume sound.

Also, just making sure that you are using a channel span of >1 (16 preferably) in the Geo midi settings, and the midi bend range matches TJ's, and bends are enabled. Also make sure Omni Input is enabled in TJ. Those are the settings that optimize Geo->TJ performance.

Thanks Jesse for sharing the

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2013 2:14 pm
by anupkulkarni
Thanks Jesse for sharing the details !! I love TJ because of its vibrato shake effect which is close to real instrument. Nice to know about the bug details as well. I was hearing glitches for multiple touches. Hope you guys will fix it in next update. Also do think over multiple screen splits. This is important while playing Indian classical music to reach over more number of octaves. I am attaching image file showing how multiple split may/would look like. Its just like a chess board :) I want TJ to have this functionality rather than using any other controller. Also multi-splits means I do not have to look at screen & I can arrange notes chromatically(similar to Guitar fretboard) & judge the next note to be played by distance between the notes. I want my iPhone/iPad to be like a real instrument ( just ear & hand co-ordination ) which I think is a real possibility because of TJ only !! You guys ROCK !!Image