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own Scales .. notes that fit in the tune am working on
Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2011 12:03 pm
by yesone
hi first great app !!! thanks guys
was wanting to make my own scale ,with notes i know work in the tune am working on .
maybe like in bebot you can high light notes you want to make up your scale .
there for you can just jam on knowing your not going to hit any bum note hehe
thanks for any help
Yep, that is an often
Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2011 12:49 pm
by Jesse
Yep, that is an often requested feature and it will be included in the next version. When is the next version, you ask? Hopefully within the next month.
thank you for being so quick
Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2011 4:23 pm
by yesone
thank you for being so quick on your replying to my post :0)
look forward to it :0)
If you want those features
Posted: Sun Jan 23, 2011 10:23 pm
by Jesse
If you want those features you don't sound like a newbie to me! Changing scales on the fly from a set of user customizable buttons (think along the lines of the popout key change buttons) that let you store key/scale/range combos. One interesting way to get accidentals is to use the split screen feature (the button with the rectangles below the key change buttons toggles it), you can set the key and range independently for the two sides, just tap the side you want to set, then use the controls. If you set one side to be a half step up from the other, you get the accidentals you want.
It would be very useful to
Posted: Mon Jan 24, 2011 2:49 am
by caseyjamesbasichis
It would be very useful to have an automatic "black key" compliment for any scale. I made a really hackey mockup of what I mean. The black margins are empty space only the keys that are not featured in the scale are in place.
Some scales do not add up to a chromatic scale when doubled with a tonic a semitone higher. Also keeping in-scale and out-scale notes separate makes a creative choice to add accidentals more straightforward. Currently its possible to accidentally hit an in-scale note when attempting to play accidentals via a transposed scales as notes in one are doubled in the other...
This method also makes pitch relationship explicit so that different tones are sitting at exactly the same vertical level.
These wouldn't necessarily be one side of one of the two scales.. each scale could be set to have its accidentals displayed -- possibly not taking half the horizontal space as in the diagram but perhaps a smaller fraction.
The black voids are... voidey... but functionally it would be great. We could run slideshows in the the black margins -- photos of puppies and sunsets