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Interval cycles

Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2010 5:47 am
by caseyjamesbasichis
Is there anyway to set thumbjams scale to an interval cycle like C3 C7 etc? (not midi number)

Here is a wiki for what I mean

Yes, you can construct any

Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2010 9:03 am
by Jesse
Yes, you can construct any kind of scale imaginable using the Scala format (text file) then import it into TJ. See for reference, including a huge downloadable .zip archive with tons of examples, some of which include interval cycles. Basically, you would create a text file for each cycle, explicitly calling out the intervals until the cycle was complete. I attached a few examples for you (some of which are already in the Chords section, under different names).

Just go to the Wifi Transfer webpage and look at the bottom left to import SCL files...ImageImageImageImageImage

Thanks for the links! I

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2010 4:25 pm
by caseyjamesbasichis
Thanks for the links!

I didn't see those yesterday, went with the and was immediately over my head...

Thanks for the cycle files

Making the scala text files

Posted: Thu May 19, 2011 10:52 am
by Jesse
Making the scala text files by hand isn't so bad if you already know what intervals you want without hearing them, you can start from some examples, and use either ratios or cents to define the intervals. TJ can load scala files directly, so no need for conversion. You can also choose to make them with TJs native XML format, which is described some (with examples) on this thread: