iOS Custom URL Scheme for importing Scala file

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iOS Custom URL Scheme for importing Scala file

Post by MarcusSatellite »

I develop an iOS microtonal scale design app "Wilsonic" which creates Scala files. My primary phone/tablet synthesis app is Thumbjam. My app makes it easy to create a large number of Scala files. I'm looking for ways to make the Thumbjam import of Scala files as efficient as possible. Would you consider implementing a custom url scheme to import Scala files?

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Re: iOS Custom URL Scheme for importing Scala file

Post by Jesse »

It already does! The .scl extension should be Open In...-able in ThumbJam. Is it not working for you?

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Re: iOS Custom URL Scheme for importing Scala file

Post by MarcusSatellite »

Thank you for responding so quickly.

Before I read your response I posted a new topic related to this: ""

Let me know which post you want to work this problem.

This post is asking the question: Does Thumbjam provide a public custom url scheme that iOS apps can call to share Scala files? If so what is the form of this URL?

The new topic above is asking a slightly different [possibly related] question: How can an iOS app call UIActivityViewController with a local file URL such that Thumbjam shows up as an option?

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Re: iOS Custom URL Scheme for importing Scala file

Post by Jesse »

Ah, try a MIME type of text/plain with a file extension of .scl and see if it shows up when you use the UIActivityViewController, it should.

Regarding public web-accessible URLs, I had thought the file extension .scl should be enough, but trying it now on the latest iOS Safari, etc, since the web server serves them as text/plain, Safari decides to just show the file and doesn't present Open In (even though apps like mine are registered for it). What I should do instead is support looking for .scl files in ZIP archives so you can at least put one or more of them in there and ZIPs are always correctly exposed for Open In. I will do that for the next version.

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Re: iOS Custom URL Scheme for importing Scala file

Post by Jesse »

Hmm, re-reading your other thread, I realized that you can't actually set a mime type when using UIActivityViewController. I have scala files registered as exported UTIs and document types, so iOS should be able recognize that I handle it (which it does in some circumstances, obviously). Custom URL scheme is the wrong technology here, as that would require all the data to be encoded in the URL itself.

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Re: iOS Custom URL Scheme for importing Scala file

Post by Jesse »

Just looking into it a bit more, I think if you use a UIDocumentInteractionController instead, you may get TJ showing up...

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