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Am Blues..

Posted: Fri May 21, 2010 11:49 am
by inrock
Key : Am
Scale : Minor Blues
Drum Loop : DogDoorDrums_96bpm
Instruments : Organ Dirty, Electric Bass, LiveAcousticGuitar, Electric Guitar, JR Zendrix

Made with ThumbJam and SoundForge(Effects and fadeout)

Thanks to ElectricAlienCat for sharing smaple sets "Live Acoustic Guitar"

Excellent! Keep on posting,

Posted: Fri May 21, 2010 12:04 pm
by mat
Excellent! Keep on posting, you tend to set standards in terms of expression quality, so I'm always happy to see how you use which instrument.

Thanks for sharing and greetings from France to Korea (if I make no mistake!)


Nice work! Another great

Posted: Fri May 21, 2010 12:58 pm
by Jesse
Nice work! Another great example of how creating long loops makes a big difference.

As an unrelated aside, I noticed that you use the Electric Guitar with legato turned on (the default in 1.1)... I think I am going to change the default in 1.2 back to the original non-legato, what is your opinion on that? Obviously your existing custom presets are unaffected, just the default would change. I've also changed the violin's default back to non-legato.

Thank you Mat! Greetings from

Posted: Fri May 21, 2010 1:58 pm
by inrock
Thank you Mat! Greetings from Korea to France. :)

Thank you Jesse!
When I play Electric Guitar soloing, I usually play with legato turned on.
When I need to play non-legato sound, I play next note with another touch.(no drag)

But I think that's not matter. Because I can toggle legato switch on and off.
It would be great if legato toggle switch is on the 'key controls' menu to access easily.

Thank you~

Hi rallino, Thanks for your

Posted: Sun May 23, 2010 8:08 am
by inrock
Hi rallino,
Thanks for your good advice.
I entirely agree with you in your opinion, "a few notes worth more than many"

Greetings from Korea to Italy.


Hi inrock, i'am glad you have

Posted: Mon May 24, 2010 9:05 am
by rallino
Hi inrock,
i'am glad you have improved your performance by building a melodic line on a series of musical chords. Good! Keep it up and always play with heart.

Sometimes, a few notes worth more than many, remember!

Greetings from Italy to Korea

Very elegant piece, I really

Posted: Sun Dec 19, 2010 12:37 pm
by branlory
Very elegant piece, I really like it. Nice JR Hendrix handling!