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ThumbJam multichannel live performance (w/ Fugue Machine, Ruismaker Noir, Dedalus, RE-1, Dubstation, etc.)

Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2020 1:14 am
by ajun
After many, many years of having this wonderful app I finally started poking around the multitimbral capabilities. This led to a realization that the keyboard, when split, functions as multiple MIDI keyboards on ascending channels (obvious in retrospect, but I just never considered it!). Finally, I recalled that Thumbjam can work as a slide-over app and, much to my delight, I had all 4 "keyboard" splits on the little overlay screen hovering above AUM.

A little bit of creative MIDI routing, augmenting ThumbJam's played output with Fugue Machine and StepPolyArp Unit, and some audio processing and I put this together:

Jesse, thank you for making and maintaining this wonderful instrument!

Re: ThumbJam multichannel live performance (w/ Fugue Machine, Ruismaker Noir, Dedalus, RE-1, Dubstation, etc.)

Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2020 12:31 pm
by Jesse
That's great!!