"dick Tracy's Dead" was done this week
"The Deep Belong in a House" was done the week before. Both those tracks are thumbjam only. The other songs were done using apps like synthx,horizon/Sunrizer,molten drum machine,DM-1,and korgs ielectribe.
If you guys want to find me @freesoulvw is my twitter. I am always on and always making music with the iPad. If you need any help,questions,or comments,collaboration,or hate mail. Feel free to hit me up.
I think Thumbjam is THE most genius app I own and I am sad to see it get no support from the developer. I am reading posts from 2009 with hopes of new features. I would kill for some more orchestral instruments,a tympani drum,or any new synth instruments. I have made a few of my own but it's always more fun when someone does it formyou

Here's hopingnthe dev reads this,listens to my songs and gets inspired to help me with my request. The app has inspired me on so many occasions I hope it still has his love.
Thanks guys.