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MIDI control to trigger rotary speaker in Galileo

Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2013 1:44 am
by murdockscott
I am creating a live performance setup in TJ that layers a choir sample from TJ with a nice rock organ via virtual MIDI. For the first time, I have an organ sim with great MIDI implantation and I was excited that I might be able to perfect this project by adding control of the rotary speaker effect before an upcoming performance. Unfortunately I have hit a wall and I am looking for advice.

Here are the parameters:
The iPad will be fixed in place to the stand so no tilt control
I have split the screen into two rows in order to play with both hands
I have a sound loaded into TJ so it will be effected if I try to use pitch bend

I had some success by mapping pan to the rotary effect but I think that TJ assumes that the center of the pan should be the center of the screen regardless of me using two rows. This causes a problem, when I play notes on the upper row I get the rotary slowing down and on the lower I get the opposite. Of course, this is not what I am looking for I want to slide up a note and trigger the rotary.

I haven't found another solution that would not effect the sound that is native to TJ. I wish I could send mod wheel.

Am I missing anything? Any suggestions?
Thanks in advance,

Sorry for the lack of

Posted: Tue Jul 16, 2013 10:09 pm
by Jesse
Sorry for the lack of response here! You are right that there is no easy answer. I should definitely fix TJ so that pan applies to each split independently, but what you really need is an arbitrary X/Y CC output cofigurable in TJ.

Yes sir, a few tweaks and I

Posted: Tue Jul 23, 2013 9:43 pm
by murdockscott
Yes sir, a few tweaks and I think you would have a real winner for guys like me who want to use TJ as a controller. I love playing TJ and I really see a lot of possibility.

Thanks for listening!