quantize work around question

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quantize work around question

Post by olivegoose »

hi all,
i've had thumbjam for about a week and i am truelly amazed! thank you! i saw an earlier post saying one can use retrigger time to help live playing timing. the example that was given was 125ms retrigger for a 120bpm. is there a chart or some type of formula that someone could pass along so that i can work that out for other tempos such as 85bpm?

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Sure, the formula is simple,

Post by Jesse »

Sure, the formula is simple, if you have a tempo in BPM and you want to figure out how many milliseconds to set the retrigger just do:

Time for a beat (quarter note) in millisecs is = 1000 * 60/BPM

So for 120bpm that is 500ms for a 1/4, 250ms for an 8th, 125ms for a 16th, etc.
85bpm would be 706ms for 1/4, 353ms for 8th, 176ms for 16th, etc.

Future versions of TJ will let you set the retrigger time in musical time intervals for the current tempo, so you won't need to do math.

Posts: 9
Joined: Fri Oct 01, 2010 9:45 pm

thanks jesse : )

Post by olivegoose »

thanks jesse : )

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