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Reverb seems get added on Session Record???
Posted: Fri Oct 08, 2010 2:41 pm
by guitarchitect
I recorded a few Loop Sets with the Session Record feature and when I played the Session back it seems that there's been a global reverb effect added to the recording. When I replay the Loop Set it's not there; switch to the Session and there's reverb? What's up with this?
I am doing something wrong? Thx.
You are not doing anything
Posted: Fri Oct 08, 2010 4:20 pm
by Jesse
You are not doing anything wrong, this is a known issue. Session records are rendered with reverb so they sound good when you pull them off and listen to them on their own. However, when listening in the app as a loop, the global reverb is applied again. If you turn off reverb it should sound right.
The next version will have per-loop/instrument reverb send levels so that you can control reverb better... giving less to drum tracks, more to the active instrument, none to session records, etc.
So what mode or modes can be
Posted: Fri Oct 08, 2010 5:48 pm
by Bristles
So what mode or modes can be recorded without reverb being added? I've recorded a few times but haven't really gone back and listened to any of them to notice this bug. I do plan to record daily once one of my other favorite apps adopts copy/paste but this reverb thing can be a real problem. I do my mixing etc. on the laptop and want to record the instruments as dry as possible. Will single instrument recordings be okay?
Will test while I wait and prob answer my own questions.
Thanks In Advance
Reverb is only recorded with
Posted: Sat Oct 09, 2010 12:46 am
by Jesse
Reverb is only recorded with session record. All individual loop recording is done clean with no reverb (delay is recorded in loops, however. )