Non working key anymore.

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Non working key anymore.

Post by hraijas »

Can anyone help me with this problem please?

In the "Key Controls" Tab at the left there is a "Hold" key. It worked for a while until I accidentally locked it. Since then it just wont work no more. Have restarted both the app and phone, but nope. What did I do wrong or does this key only work in some modes?

Regards Hannu.

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Does the sidebar change color

Post by Jesse »

Does the sidebar change color when you press it (it should)? If not, it might just be a finger positioning issue? If it does change color, but the notes that you press don't sustain while holding it, let me know. Sliding it up to lock only affect the currently held notes, any notes touched after won't sustain. Pressing the Hold button in a locked or unlocked mode will always sustain.

Give me some more details about how it isn't working, what instruments you are trying, etc...

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