Jesse - you've mentioned many future developments that will/are likely to happen with TJ. When will the next update be available? (I'm asking mainly due to excitement!)
When's the next update?
I am expecting within the
I am expecting within the next month to release the next version that includes the metronome and OSC/midi output. There will be other minor goodies and tweaks in there too mostly responding to suggestions in the forums.
Nice one! Can't wait! I
Nice one! Can't wait! I must say at this point that you are the best developer I've come across. You listen to your customer's comments and discuss with them rather than ignoring and doing nothing.
Sincere congratulations on
Sincere congratulations on the 1.2 release! Being able to send realtime MIDI signal to my Mac using TJ is opening up all sorts of possibilities. And DSMIDIWiFi supports multiple devices, so I can actually use my iPad and iPod touch at the same time!
There are other OSC/MIDI apps, on iOS, but TJ is more flexible and enjoyable than anything else I've seen.
The "blown-up" version works well on iPad but it's easy to see that the iPad's screen real estate can allow for really neat possibilities. Can't wait for it.
Jesse, thank you so much for your work.
There are other OSC/MIDI apps, on iOS, but TJ is more flexible and enjoyable than anything else I've seen.
The "blown-up" version works well on iPad but it's easy to see that the iPad's screen real estate can allow for really neat possibilities. Can't wait for it.

Jesse, thank you so much for your work.