Has Thumbjam been updated to provide the function
as I questioned in the post above? Thanks for any info.
All the best,
scale tunings for external hardware
Maybe as an incentive I
Maybe as an incentive I thought I'ld mention. With this added feature alone, Thumbjam would
attract a huge ethnic community of keyboardists interested in alternate tunings
for their external hardware.
attract a huge ethnic community of keyboardists interested in alternate tunings
for their external hardware.

Has this feature been added
Has this feature been added in the latest update? Still unsure.
No, there has been no update
No, there has been no update since you asked the question. There are many irons in the fire and TJ's turn has not yet come around again.
When I use the scale lock on
When I use the scale lock on external hardware I hear both the chromatic scale as well as the scale assigned
within TJ. For example if I select major pentatonic when I play my keyboad I hear harmonized notes. Not Pentatonic scale only. Where has my configuration gone wrong? I use Irig midi and have midi in to out and out to in.
within TJ. For example if I select major pentatonic when I play my keyboad I hear harmonized notes. Not Pentatonic scale only. Where has my configuration gone wrong? I use Irig midi and have midi in to out and out to in.
When I use the scale lock on
When I use the scale lock on external hardware I hear both the chromatic scale as well as the scale assigned
within TJ. For example if I select major pentatonic when I play my keyboad I hear harmonized notes. Not Pentatonic scale only. Where has my configuration gone wrong? I use Irig midi and have midi in to out and out to in.
within TJ. For example if I select major pentatonic when I play my keyboad I hear harmonized notes. Not Pentatonic scale only. Where has my configuration gone wrong? I use Irig midi and have midi in to out and out to in.
Any suggestions why I hear
Any suggestions why I hear both the new scale and the actual keys when playing only the white keys on the keyboard? IE:TJ selected scale is C Harmonic Minor but played on the white keys of external keyboard sounds out both a C major scale and the locked scale of C harmonic minor.
I need you to describe
I need you to describe exactly what your setup is, eg what hardware, what you are plugging in to the iRig midi what options in TJ's input and output connections, what midi channel input you are set to, if Omni is on, and whether you have a second instrument loaded in TJ.
Edit Update: Local Control
Edit Update: Local Control was set to on. Local control off solved the problem! Now, one more question 
When using TJ in a live setting can the Input Scale Lock be assigned a midi message? To quickly alternate between whatever scale has been selected in TJ and the chromatic scale to play the keyboard in a standard chromatic scale?
Ok you got me thinking it through a bit more. I am hearing a double(unison) chorusing sound
of ie: the piano patch on my keyboard. Suggesting the midi note on message is doubled if that makes any sense.
TJ settings:
Use CoreMidi=ON
Active in Background=ON
Output Options
Send Pitchbend=ON
everything else OFF
Channel Start 1
Voice Channel Start 1
Channel Per Touch OFF
Channel Range 1
Input Options
Input Scale Lock ON
Omni Mode OFF
Use messages all OFF
Enable THru Mode ON
Channel Start 1 (If I set this to any other channel, I hear my external keyboard play only the white keys that are being played. When set to channel one I hear both the white keys and whatever scale TJ is locked to)
External Hardware is a Yamaha MOX (Motif series) keyboard
Basic Receive Channel = 1
Keyboard Transmit Channel = 1
Thanks for your time in advance!
Best regards,

When using TJ in a live setting can the Input Scale Lock be assigned a midi message? To quickly alternate between whatever scale has been selected in TJ and the chromatic scale to play the keyboard in a standard chromatic scale?
Ok you got me thinking it through a bit more. I am hearing a double(unison) chorusing sound
of ie: the piano patch on my keyboard. Suggesting the midi note on message is doubled if that makes any sense.
TJ settings:
Use CoreMidi=ON
Active in Background=ON
Output Options
Send Pitchbend=ON
everything else OFF
Channel Start 1
Voice Channel Start 1
Channel Per Touch OFF
Channel Range 1
Input Options
Input Scale Lock ON
Omni Mode OFF
Use messages all OFF
Enable THru Mode ON
Channel Start 1 (If I set this to any other channel, I hear my external keyboard play only the white keys that are being played. When set to channel one I hear both the white keys and whatever scale TJ is locked to)
External Hardware is a Yamaha MOX (Motif series) keyboard
Basic Receive Channel = 1
Keyboard Transmit Channel = 1
Thanks for your time in advance!
Best regards,
There isn't a CC or anything
There isn't a CC or anything to toggle on/off scale lock, although there should be! But there *is* a way to switch between the quickswitch buttons using a bankselect and PC message. If you bank select to bank 2 (zero-based counting, eg: 0, 1, *2*) then program change messages will select the key/scale combo at that slot in the current quickswitch buttons. It doesn't give you chromatic, but at least you can make it interesting.