Polyphonic version? Display-off in pitch-to-midi mode !
Polyphonic version? Display-off in pitch-to-midi mode !
You have plans to make polyhonic version? I play on violin and alternative app called "Midi Guitar" recognize polyphonic note but the latency is to big...I use irig with Thumbjam and i like pitch-to-midi and latency and response but not recognize two note ...And please resolve problem with display-off in pitch-to-midi .Thanks !!!
Polyphonic pitch detection is
Polyphonic pitch detection is pretty tricky.. that's one of the reasons the apps that do it have more latency. For now it probably isn't going to be a priority.
What "display-off" issue are you talking about? In the next update I will allow it be kept active when the app is in the background, including during screen lock. I think that is what you are referring to?
What "display-off" issue are you talking about? In the next update I will allow it be kept active when the app is in the background, including during screen lock. I think that is what you are referring to?
I read your answer and I
I read your answer and I understand that you are the Best developer of audio-to-midi for IOS
.Of corse i understand the algoritm of MIDI is hard but I suggest to make another polyphonic version of Thumbjam ....Let people choose that is necessary for them: Monophonic=quickly response ....or Polyphonic=normal response but double note
and all bought your program by all means will buy also another->polyphonic version.I surely would buy !And YES ,resolve in next version audio-to-midi work in background
Thanks !!!Sorry for my English !!!

I'd like a poly version,
I'd like a poly version, too!!!