Hello Jesse and everyone,
My name is Gaz WIlliams. Can I draw your attention to our new Sonicstate iPad web show here:
http://www.sonicstate.com/news/2011/11/ ... pilot-v20/
and also on Youtube here:
We review Thumbjam version 2.0 on the show and have had such a great response to it with many people buying TJ as a result!
We are just coming out of the pilot stage so any comments would be really appreciated.
I am genuine when I say that Thumbjam is the best music app I have used on the iPad to date. I love its professional functionality and I think the new pitch to midi function is mind-blowing!
Keep up the good work and get in touch with us!
Thumbjam on Sonicstate's new iPad show
Thanks Gaz, I watched it soon
Thanks Gaz, I watched it soon after it came out, nice work! I certainly appreciate that kind of in-depth and positive coverage