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MIDI loops saving problem

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2014 12:28 pm
by Cyril777
I'm stuck with this operation that I tried in every way that I could think of and I can't find what I'm doing wrong. Every time I want to send MIDI loops by email or open MIDI loops in other app, I've got the same message everytime, telling me that I must enable the "save MIDI loops" option in the MIDI control menu. But this option is actually very well enable, I tried to switch it on and off several times, and each time I save a loops set, and then go in the IMPORT/EXPORT menu in order to use MIDI files, the message tells me that I must enable the MIDI loops saving (wich is again ALWAYS enable !).
So I would be very much in your debt if you could help me this problem that's driving me nuts !
Thank you for your attention,
Best regards


Re: MIDI loops saving problem

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2014 3:03 pm
by Jesse
[I just responded to your email as well... ]

Hmm, I'm not able to reproduce that. As long as Save MIDI Loops is enabled, and I record a new loop, the export midi feature works for me. Out of curiosity, try recording some fresh loops, but don't save them with a name, and go immediately to export/open in. Anything different that time?

Re: MIDI loops saving problem

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2014 4:27 pm
by Cyril777
Hi Jesse,
Thank you for your fast answer. You actually had a good hunch, because I recorded 3 loops whithout saving the set, and the email MIDI loops worked fine ! Weird. I also browsed some old saved sets where the MIDI loop was present,( in the "Browse Audio to export" menu where you get access to all your saved sets, loops and sessions), which was not the case for a few times now. But it's the mixdown loop MIDI data.
Do you know how should I proceed to have a MIDI loop for each audio loop saved in the set ? And most of all, I really don't know what could have been modified to get this message ("you must enable MIDI save loop....) each time I want to export MIDI loop.... At least your method worked !

Thank you for your help,
best regards,


Re: MIDI loops saving problem

Posted: Sat Nov 22, 2014 12:04 am
by Jesse
I suspect it is a bug.

But the MIDI file is actually multi-track, each track within it represents a separate loop...