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Midi control sweetness with Garage Band... Ableton live no go so far

Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2010 2:04 pm
by alivewire
I'm still on iOS3 (updating later today) but I updated to the new version of ThumbJam. Awesome!

I got midi messages going from my iphone to my macbook pro on Garage Band in no time flat... BUT, I can't seem to get Ableton to play with the same midi connection. There are lights blinking in Ableton on the midi input thing (top right of screen), but not on the midi tracks I've created.

Makes me think it might be a user error on my part and not with ThumbJam, but the midi record is enabled and everything seems right. I've used this before in other midi control apps from iphone to osc, etc. but no luck so far this time.

Any suggestions?