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Midi volume bug

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2011 2:18 am
by misteralan
I'm having an issue when I send midi cc#7 value 0 over coremidi TJ does not fully turn down.
I can monitor the cc to verify that it is indeed at a value of 0 but TJ can still be heard faintly.
It also seems that midi cc # 1 connects to volume as well and it also does not comp,etly shut down the volume.
I am using
iPad 1st ten
iOS 5.0.1
TJ 2.0
CCK with an adirol um 1-ex usb midi io
Thanks Jesse for a great contribution,

Yes, this was actually

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2011 9:12 am
by Jesse
Yes, this was actually intentional behavior on my part to match the settings of the min volume on the active patch, but I think I should change that behavior for CC#7 to be more standardized. Thanks for the reminder!

You're welcome Al

Posted: Fri Dec 09, 2011 2:36 am
by misteralan
You're welcome