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Session .wav file doesn't play

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 3:25 pm
by chrisand
My session file seems to download fine via the server - 17.9MB (only a few seconds for a test). However, when I try to play the file on my pc nothing plays. The properties of the file say it is 00:00:00 long! I've tried to play it using QuickTime, Media Player etc. - nothing. I've tried this a lot with different sessions and I have the same result. Can anyone help?

I am able to download each session's loopsets in a .zip file and they play fine (However I recognise there is no reverb which alters the sound significantly - will this feature in a future update?) Is it true that the session wav should play with reverb and everything else?

Use a soundfile editor such

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 5:12 pm
by Jesse
Use a soundfile editor such as Audacity and try to open it as raw audio, just to see what the contents of the file looks like. It is a 2 channel 16bit sampled at 44100 Hz. That way we can figure out if the just the WAV header is broken, but the data might be fine.

The loopsets do not have reverb on them because reverb is a master effect, and not something you'd want printed on every track if you imported them into other software together. The session wav should sound exactly like you hear it from the output, including reverb (although there is an issue when it clips the levels that needs to be addressed).

I've done as you say with

Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2010 4:29 pm
by chrisand
I've done as you say with Audacity and the session audio is there! It has a few seconds of header on it, which must have been the problem. Thanks! I've got to say at this point, Jesse, that you are the best developer I've come across. You react to your users comments very promptly and are very proactive. I'm sure that all your other users would agree. Well done!