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ipad, midi, usb

Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2012 11:51 am
by Deep
Hi - love the app, but has anyone else had any problems getting TJ to recognise midi via usb and the camera usb connector?
I'm using an Alesis io4 usb interface which has its own psu.
TJ doesn;t see it at all in the midi options list. Have also tried with a midi kyboard. Could it be the apple camera connection kit that's the problem ?

Have you tried the same

Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2012 12:12 pm
by Jesse
Have you tried the same hardware with any of the other apps that support coremidi? That would help me determine if it is TJ's problem or the hardware....

Try making sure TJ is not running (after killing from multitasking bar, or right after device restart), plug in the usb-midi device, then start TJ.

I have had success with several different USB-midi interfaces and keyboards and the camera connection kit, so I'd like to try to resolve this kind of issue.

Ok, so the io4 works fine

Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2012 5:29 pm
by Deep
Ok, so the io4 works fine with midi and a laptop through usb - no connection kit is involved, and audio comes into the io4 fine over usb.
Trying on the ipad, neither animoog nor TJ sees the io4 or midi. It's as if it's not even plugged in.
Can you suggest an app that definitely DOES work with the connection kit, usb and midi ? - garageband is also a no, just checked...but does work through laptop. cheers d

Both of those apps you tried

Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2012 9:26 pm
by Jesse
Both of those apps you tried definitely do work with coremidi devices. I can't find any positive or negative reports about the io4 midi working in iOS, but Alesis at least claims that the audio part works. Have you tried any USB midi keyboards (make sure they have their own power supplies too, just in case).

One suggestion is to try running the io4 through a USB hub, then connect the hub to the iPad.