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Posted: Mon Dec 02, 2013 8:06 pm
by kreda
When I hit record loop, i tend to have the downbeat cut out -thumbjam does not record the 1st half second of when it should!

This is a major issue and barrier to using the software in a practical manner

It would also be useful to have a function to "record loop" over and over like on logic/pro tools so you can do multiple takes back to back and keep the best one.

Lastly - feature request - can we have a drum sequencer for thumbjam? 2 years on still love the feel of thumbjam but a sequencer for drums would change everything.


What loop options do you have

Posted: Tue Dec 03, 2013 5:07 pm
by Jesse
What loop options do you have set in Loop->Loop Options? Do you have any external MIDI sync going on? Does it happen on the initial loop, subsequent loops, or both?

The continuous record loop trialling mode is a good idea.

If I do a drum sequencer it will go into my other app DrumJam for obvious reasons :)

Resolved! Had "Quantize

Posted: Wed Jan 01, 2014 12:04 am
by kreda

Had "Quantize start" selected when there was nothing to quantize to (problem was always with 1st loop i was recording, which i would re-record over and over in an attempt to work around the issue)

I do have a question however - Unrelated to the above.

I am using Thumbjam as a midi controller via Jack for Sunrizer (synth app) - I am trying to get the audio from Sunrizer back to thumbjam (Have tried Audiobus and JACK) so I can record Sunrizer's audio into thumbjams loops sessions...I've been playing with settings for an hour with no luck, can it be done???

iOS 5.1.1
Latesr version of thumbjam

Let me know :)