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A few bugs

Posted: Thu May 26, 2016 4:45 pm
by ajun
Hi there,

First off, let me say thank you for continuing to update this amazing app! Ableton Link, time stretching, the arpeggiator are all fantastic additions that will be well used. Slide over and split view are amazing!

Now on to the other stuff ; )

I have two main devices that I use:
iPad Pro 9.7” 128GB running iOS 9.3.1
iPhone 6s 128GB running 9.3.1
-both running ThumbJam 2.5

But I also have some older iOS devices that I can test with:
iPad 2 16GB running 9.3.1
-ThumbJam 2.4.2
iPhone 5s 64GB running 8.3
-ThumbJam 2.4.2

I’m trying to synchronize the data on my two main devices so I have the same loop sets and instruments on both and have run into a couple of issues:

1- the “Import New” window for the Create Instrument window in TJ 2.5 on an iPad opens in the wrong orientation when the iPad is in landscape mode.
If the iPad is in portrait it’s fine, but if it’s in landscape the window opens at the width of a landscape window, but in portrait orientation. So, the Import and Cancel buttons are off of the screen making it impossible to continue. The only recourse is to quit ThumbJam from the iOS app switcher.

On a related note - the sample set edit windows (both the sample set selector page and the sample select / record page for each set) retain their size if you change orientations. i.e. if you’re in portrait in the sample set editor and change to landscape, when you re-open the sample set editor it’s too big and the Share in iTunes and Email Instrument buttons are off the screen. Conversely if you go from landscape to portrait the windows are too short for a portrait screen.

2- when a user instrument is imported it doesn’t show up as a user instrument.
I export an instrument from the device it was created in through the web interface or through iTunes export. When I import the instrument in another device (both TJ 2.5 and TJ 2.4.2) it shows up as a default instrument, not a user instrument. Not a huge issue, but still annoying: in addition to not showing up correctly in the Instrument Preset select window, you are prohibited from Sharing the sample set to iTunes. To only way to get these samples off the new device is to copy each file individually from the web interface.

3- loop set recorded on iPad Pro out of sync when loaded on iPhone 6s.
I have a very simple loop set (2 loops each 8 measures long) that was recorded on the iPad Pro (note that the loop set was recorded with TJ 2.4.2). When the loop set is loaded in the iPhone 6s (both now running TJ 2.5) the loops are out of sync. I have TJ running on its own (no hosts or clock sync) with Ableton Link and Loop Timestretch turned off on both.
When I load the same loop set on the old iPad and iPhone (running TJ 2.4.2) they play correctly.
When I rename the zipped set and reload it onto the iPad Pro it still plays correctly, and still plays incorrectly on the iPhone 6s.
The WAV files are correct when loaded into Logic on my computer - with one quirk: the second loop is offset by 4 measures. i.e. the second WAV file has the recording as measure 5, 6, 7, 8, 1, 2, 3, 4.
On the iPhone 6s what happens is that the beginning of the second loop initially plays too fast. i.e. it’s a series of half notes, however, on the 6s on the first play through, the time interval between the first two notes is only a quarter note so the second loop is then playing a quarter note early. On all subsequent play-throughs, that first note gets played in the last quarter note of the eighth measure instead of the beginning of the first measure. The visual playhead moves correctly, it’s just the audio playback. Also, if I export the mix down to AudioShare on the 6s the mix down is correct.

I have another loop set where this is also happening. This loop set was recorded on the iPhone 5s a while ago. On the 5s and the iPad Pro everything plays back in sync. On the 6s 5 of the 6 tracks play back in sync, but one is rushed on its first play through and then stays "early" on subsequent loops.

Hopefully these issues can be resolved.


Re: A few bugs

Posted: Mon May 30, 2016 12:31 pm
by Jesse
Thanks for the detailed feedback!

#1 are known issues, which will be fixed.

#2, good point that imported instruments get turned into "default" instruments that later can't be easily exported. I'll look into the best way of allowing for that.

#3 the out of sync issue of previously recorded loop sets probably has to do with a change in the logic I made recently regarding sync and offsets. Depending on where in the timeline you started recording a loop, the WAV file will represent a different overall timeline span. This is supposed to be captured in the loop set metadata information and used when loading the loop set for playback. Something clearly isn't happening quite right in the new version. Please feel free to send me the example loopset ZIP file that demonstrates the issue the best.

Re: A few bugs

Posted: Tue May 31, 2016 7:55 pm
by ajun
Hi Jesse,
I just sent an email with the zipped loop set, along with a rendered export from ThumbJam that has the loops mixed correctly and a "live" recording into AudioShare that shows the issue.

As noted, I'm only seeing this on the iPhone 6s.

Also, I have another loop set that also exhibits the same issue on the iPhone. Let me know if you would like to examine that as well.


Re: A few bugs

Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2016 1:41 pm
by Jesse
I never received an email... not in spam folder either....

Re: A few bugs

Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2016 6:50 pm
by ajun
The email was sent to It was a total of about 14.3MB in size. I never received any indication that it didn't go through or was bounced.

Just tried again, sending a series of smaller emails....

Re: A few bugs

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2016 2:05 pm
by Jesse
Hmm, still nothing. Can you upload the ZIP to a cloud server (dropbox, etc) and then just email me the link?

Re: A few bugs

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2016 8:54 pm
by ajun
OK, sent a link - hopefully that works?

Re: A few bugs

Posted: Sun Jun 05, 2016 1:13 pm
by Jesse
So strange, I haven't received a single email from you, yet I have been from others using that address. Try jesse at ...