TJ crashing upon Enable Server

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TJ crashing upon Enable Server

Post by ckbarlow »

Under Prefs:WiFi Transfer, I'm trying to turn on the Enable Server option. Each time I try, TJ quits.

The sad backstory is that last Friday when I was about to show TJ (and a custom multi into which I put several hours' setup time last summer and performed with several times) to a bunch of university students as part of a presentation about iPad music, the custom multi failed to load. Ouch. :oops:

Having gotten through that little crisis, now I just want my custom multi back, any way that I can get it, thus was attempting WiFi transfer to get a backup.

Any guidance would be greatly appreciated. I adore this app but definitely need it to be more predictable.
CK Barlow
iPad Mini 32GB [Model PD532LL/A]
Version 8.3 (12F69)

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Re: TJ crashing upon Enable Server

Post by Jesse »

I'm finalizing an update with lots of fixes (including that one) and features. I'll add you to the beta testers list so you can get it the current beta now.

Sorry about that! Once you get that custom multi, you can post it here so I can figure out why it wouldn't load...

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