I'm using an iPhone 3Gs running iOS 3.1.3 (7E18)... I have been using ThumbJam v. 1.1 successfully for about 2 months. I updated my installed version to v. 1.2 on my phone yesterday when alerted by the Apple App Store.
When trying to save a loop set in v. 1.2, I get stuck in the save dialog box.
I can click in the name field (where the default file name "Default" appears), this brings up the keyboard for entering the file name. Bringing up the keyboard also obscures the dialog box's "Save" button while text is being entered. (See attached screenshot)
I can enter a name for a loop set, but cannot access the "Save" button since it's covered by the keyboard. When I hit the "return" key on the keyboard, nothing happens: the loop set doesn't save, nor does the keyboard retract to allow access to the "Save" button.
The only way I can escape from this is to hit the iPhone Home button to quit the program. When I launch ThumbJam again, it opens to the regular performance interface.
The only way I can save a file is to leave the name as "Default" so they keyboard is not invoked. But I this will overwrite the previous session named "Default", erasing anything saved prior.
I have tried a reboot of the iPhone with no success, but haven't erased and reinstalled TJ yet, since I have a bunch of instruments, samples and existing loops.
Am I the only one experiencing this?
v. 1.2 - Stuck in "Save Loop Set" Dialog
Damn. I think I know what is
Damn. I think I know what is causing this, I will look into it and try to get it into the next update.
yep i get this 'save' bug as
yep i get this 'save' bug as well
OK, I fixed it, resubmitted,
OK, I fixed it, resubmitted, and it will be in 1.2.1 when approved.
Thanks Jesse - I just want to
Thanks Jesse - I just want to note that I did an upgrade of my iPhone to iOS4 since I submitted this bug... The "save" dialog works correctly in iOS4 (the dialog box is higher on the screen). So apparently the issue is only with iOS 3.1.3. But the fix will benefit those who don't upgrade their OS anytime soon. Thanks again for the attentive support.