Thumbjam Version 2.4.1 under iOS 8 cannot built and export User Presets

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Thumbjam Version 2.4.1 under iOS 8 cannot built and export User Presets

Post by geobabala »

Hello! I use ThumbJam since long time as a key instrument - it is a great app. (on iPhone 5S and iPad Mini) After updating to ThumbJam 2.4.1 under iOS 8 I could finally restructure and sort my presets alphabetically - (thanks!) alphabetical sorting was introduced. However, it looks like it is now not possible anymore to export / backup all the new presets (renamed and sorted with a lot of work and time) THE PROBLEM >>> When trying to export my current about 150 Presets via WiFi (in the Webbrowser Section "Create/Download Exported User Presets" the link "" is NOT building a new zip file anymore (on both iPhone 5S AND iPAd mini). The .ZIP file created always contains the presets from my last backup before the update. I can see clearly that when I open the .ZIP File and check the "flotpatch" files in BBEdit (a popular text and source code editor). All the filenames still show the old preset names before renaming them (e.g. FlotsamPatch name="Piano" instead of "001_Piano", which is my new way of sorting presets in groups). In the "Apps / ThumbJam Documents" section in iTunes I can also see by the date of the "" that it still has an old date and though trying to create a new file several times in the browser - the file date never changed. Even deleting the old .ZIP file from within the iTunes Apps/ ThumbJam Documents" section did not help. After that, when repeating the "Export User Presets" process via the browser, still the old ZIP file appeared after the download - and no new .ZIP file at all was now showing up in the iTunes / Apps / ThumbJam Documents Section anymore. CAN YOU PLEASE check this? Backing up Presets is very important when using the App seriously - just backing up the iPhone via iTunes cannot do that. Thanks and kind regards, George.

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Yikes, I will check into this

Post by Jesse »

Yikes, I will check into this for sure!

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Post by geobabala »


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Hmm, this works fine over

Post by Jesse »

Hmm, this works fine over here, I'm pretty sure I haven't changed anything. Are you hitting "Rebuild Exported Presets" in the wifi transfer web page? It correctly re-builds it on both iOS7 and 8, and then downloading the from the wifi transfer page, or from within iTunes both work.

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