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Thumbjam used with Beatmaker and Looptastic Producer

Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2010 9:47 pm
by Zappafrank
I have been using beatmaker for a while and looptastic producer, and now with the update I'm having alot of fun jamming and making tracks with all three apps in tandem. Anyone else here doing this?

If so I'd be happy to offer any of the tricks I've learned along the way and discuss techniques.

The audio copy and paste is great when I want to compose and arrange in other apps on the road, although it can be tedious to audio copy and paste the individual samples/loops one by one... I know a possible solution was discussed elsewhere in the forum... Anyone else have some ideas?

Cheers !

I use BeatMaker and FourTrack

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 3:07 am
by kidyesm
I use BeatMaker and FourTrack with the ThumbJam to make songs with vocals on the fly.
I'm trying to use other apps that have customizable synths along side these three, but since I can't find a way to import pieces of what I already made into those apps easily. Any ideas?

I think if ThumbJam let you mix down some of the recorded loops it would help lower the number of tracks to copy and paste.

Well if the other apps you're

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 10:33 pm
by Zappafrank
Well if the other apps you're using don't support any kind of audio copy/paste then I don't see any way other than if the apps themselves give you a wifi transfer option to bounce them to your computer and back.

I did find out one soulution for cutting down on time when audio copy and pasting out of thumbjam, but it's definitley not for everybody. If you're iphone/ipod is jailbroken you can run something called backrounder which lets you run multiple apps simultaneosly, which really cuts down on the tedium of pasting audio one loop at a time.

ZF: re your "anyone else

Posted: Mon Mar 29, 2010 1:29 pm
by AltVader
ZF: re your "anyone else here doing this?" the answer is yes. I'm working on this as well. The combination of ThumbJam, BeatMaker and LoopTastic makes the iphone THE cutting edge musical instrument. By the way, had the pleasure of shaking Frank Zappa's hand years ago after a concert in Tampa. He was the greatest.

Altvader: Glad to hear I'm

Posted: Mon Apr 05, 2010 1:57 pm
by Zappafrank
Altvader: Glad to hear I'm not the only obsessed one here ;)
And that is amazing you met Frank, he truly was the greatest.

Firinblanks: One tip I would suggest is to keep all of your loops the same length (bars), makes it a bit easier to mix in looptastic, if you dont want to get to complex...

Now that I've been working

Posted: Tue Apr 06, 2010 12:35 pm
by AltVader
Now that I've been working with these apps a while, I have basically dropped Looptastic Producer for my daily work. It's GREAT for whipping up a beat, but it's more performance oriented. BeatMaker is more oriented toward the precision needed to deliver final output, and that's no small claim.

I recorded a percussion track via TJ and pasted it into BeatMaker (generic copy works fine). I then recorded another track, and though it sounded perfect in TJ, it seemed to start 1/4 beat behind tempo in BeatMaker. BeatMaker allowed me to open the track and move the notes back a 1/4 beat- getting everyting in perfect sync. Try that with Looptasic (or any other to I know on the iphone).

Conclusion: ThumbJam and BeatMaker combined is killer combination. I record in TJ, paste into Beatmaker, add more in BeatMaker, paste back into TJ to be backup for my additional traks, record more etc. Once you get used to it, it's a productive work to for,..

My Zappa story: I'm from NY

Posted: Tue Apr 06, 2010 3:06 pm
by AltVader
My Zappa story: I'm from NY so I was used to long lines, camping out, whatever it took to get good seats. I was in college in FL, saw Zappa was coming to Tampa. Drove up 12 hours early and nobody was there! First in line for tickets. Got 2nd row center, just a few feet from the stage. Band starts up, Frank comes out, and he asks the crowd "which would you rather hear tonight? Rock and Roll or Tweezed Poot?" You know what the crowd answered. He opens with "My Guitar wants to Kill your Mama," then goes just about everything on Sheik Yerbouti. After the 1st song, I said "Frank, we can't hear your vocals (the mix was bad). He came to the front of the stage about two feet away, thanked me, then they tweaked the mix until everything was correct. Then, he killed! Certainly one of the best shows I ever saw. I remember Ike Willis played a major role on guitar and vocals.

In taking credit for being

Posted: Sun May 16, 2010 12:17 pm
by Idunno
In taking credit for being the oldest guy using Thumbjam, some of the info doesn't sink in as fast for me as it does for others. Is there any info I can pursue showing how to paste Thumbjam loops into Beatmaker, and is it strictly app to computer and back to app in lieu of directly between apps?

Idunno, Try this video about

Posted: Sun May 16, 2010 10:24 pm
by inrock
Try this video about "audio copy/paste" between Thumbjam and Beatmaker..