For those of you who may not realize how it works... with the retrigger time set to ~125ms like ugh has done, when you drag your finger around the pads constantly it will retrigger effectively every 16th note at 120bpm letting you freeform play a beat while maintaining a tempo. To speed it up, lower the retrigger time, or vice/versa to slow it down.
To make each hit play the full drum sample, just change the "Release Stops Note" to Off.
Also note that the drawing glitches you may see with the grid mode in v1.1 with many samples are fixed in the next version.
Nice! With this technique, laying down useful drum tracks with precision is actually not that hard (combined with Loop Quantize Start on, and hitting the Finish Record button before the bar ends).
Drag retriggering combined with a high Time Interval is quite useful, then. It was also the basis for the arpeggio trick.
This was the first zip instrument I installed. Is the file format documented somewhere? Is it possible to create an instrument which triggers (slightly) different samples based on e.g. vertical tilt? Or is e.g. pitch bending done internally by ThumbJam?
The format is documented at but you can also make them easily in the app using the Sound->Create New Instrument and adding imported samples you previously uploaded via WiFi transfer. Choose One-Shot to make a grid-based instrument/sampleset or Pitched to make a regular scale/note based one.
There is no way to trigger different samples based on tilt right now. Yes, pitch bend is done internally, and currently only for pitched instruments.
Just download the zip Uwe attached, then hit WiFi transfer in Thumbjam Prefs and follow instructions. After you have uploaded the zip file, the kit will be available as an instrument (I found it at the bottom of my instrument list).
I uploaded youtube video session about this "retrigger time set" for example.
I used ughoenig's "drum kit" and "wavetable" samples.
Thanks to Jesse for making this awesome app "thumbJam"
and to ughoenig for sharing samples.
How did you define the 8 x 4 grid? Also, what are all of the samples with periods before them in your patch? I tried to make the same simply using the single-shot button and importing numbered samples without success. I could modify the patch you provided, but I wanted to know the maximum grid size that could be implemented and why there were extra samples and files in the patch. Is the maximum single-shot grid size 32 squares?
And lastly, I really think the retrigger at 16th notes is AWESOME! I wanted to contribute some possible multisamples and filtered synths as well, but wanted to learn a bit before I make them for others.
Thanks for a great alternative for the drum setups!
The samples with periods aren't actually sample files, they are leftover bits from the OS that somehow got into the ZIP archive, they certainly aren't part of the patch.
There is no maximum number of samples in a one-shot instrument! The grid layout will always have 8 rows maximum, but as you get more samples it adds more columns to fit them all as necessary. It starts from the bottom and works it's way up row by row in the order that you specify them. See the Tabla Insanity in-app download instrument for an example of that.
Which brings me to a good question, I think the velocity "layered" kits you made using the pitched style might actually be better in the one-shot form by carefully ordering the samples. If you don't want to try it, I think I might.
Thanks for pointing me in that direction w/ the insanity tabla. However, building the sample set through the in-app instrument maker does not do this for me. I will look at the flotpatch files and see if I can modify them directly. I have some serious experimenting I want to do with layering filtered synths and the drumsets. I really think 8 rows are effective for velocity layers, but it would be interesting to see how it would work for cutoff levels. It's crazy how the more I play with Thumjam, the more I am feeling the same excitement I felt from the first time I played with it. My next exploration is in trying to master the loop points if samples. Do you have any suggestions for a beginner?