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MultSamples por camada

Posted: Sat Jun 02, 2012 7:55 am
by AnselmoDelfino
Antes de mais nada, desculpe por escrever em português, mas mesmo com a barreira da língua não podia deiixar de comentar, que sua aplicação é fenomenal, uma verdadeira revolução em termos de software musical.

Uso para performances ao vivo junto com meus teclados e o resultado é maravilhoso.

Ficaria uma marco para história se aceitasse samples por camadas, como os samples das workstation mais novas, onde o sample responde pela velocidade do toque, alternando entre amostras. Quanto a velocidade do toque poderia ser suprimida pela coordenada x das barras.


Yes, at some point in the

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2012 11:07 am
by Jesse
Yes, at some point in the future we will add velocity layer support... just haven't got around to it yet. Thanks for asking!

Those velocity entries were

Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2012 10:14 am
by Jesse
Those velocity entries were optimistically added when I defined my format, and are not yet used, as you suspected.

I can't give any kind of hard timeframe for when support will be added (or when any instruments are updated to take advantage of it). There is enough flexibility using the x-axis for velocity/volume on a touchscreen to make use of it, and of course with MIDI input. There is also some interesting use of finger touch area that can be used for velocity, as well as the (arguably inferior) accelerometer techniques many apps use for measuring impact velocity, neither of which is available in TJ yet.

However, you may not need to "choose", as I am going to have a 4-day sale this weekend where TJ will drop in price to $0.99 temporarily.