how about embedding the instrument name in the file name of the sounds in the sounds archive? I've exported the loops in a loop set to an archive using the wifi transfer and downloaded it, and now I have a list of files called (e.g.) "02_1.wav" and "18.wav". If they were called "Dist_Guitar_02_1.wav" and "Trombone_18.wav" they would be much easier to find later.
Loop archives - naming of sound files
- Posts: 2
- Joined: Wed Jun 15, 2011 4:54 pm
- Posts: 2
- Joined: Wed Jun 15, 2011 4:54 pm
I've just reaslised that
I've just reaslised that naming format looks a bit like the naming used in Ardour - is there a requirement to follow that naming convention so it can be imported into Ardour? I import into Nanostudio at the moment - I'm using ThumbJam to make more organic loops than I tend to get from Nanostudio, and using Nanostudio for the structure and rhythm of the song. So for me using the loop samples this way I woiuld prefer a more helpful naming convention for the wav files.