Mixer Mute Sets. Easy scales. Velocity.
Posted: Fri May 13, 2011 11:54 am
This is the first time I’m actually writing and sending my thoughts on an app.
I’m kind of at a loss for words. As a musician, I’m thrilled to have such a playable & compositional tool. In my phone, in my pocket, always. You’ve provided practically everything needed, in the right priorities. I can’t say enough about Thumbjam.
And of course, I want more…
And as Feature Requests are the largest section of the forum, it seems requests evidence quality. So in the hopes that these are helpful down the road, I share my own.
- “Mixer Mute Sets” seems a simple solution for providing an A, B, C, D, song structure. Along with a track to select them.
(I don’t miss quantization, loop or note editing, or even tempo change (ok, maybe), because I love the musician’s approach. What you play is what you get, and it emphasizes a “live” approach instead of the “editing” producer’s approach. For me, it’s the key to the simplified complexity of TJ. You’ve kept it in the now.)
- And on the playing side…
Velocity sensitivity…
I use X-axis volume, but harder hits for more sound is a universal law of sound and music… and it’s always weird when e-thingies don’t do it. I know it’s tricky with the iphone, but may just be possible…
- The last of my top three: saving customizable scales from the Chromatic scale.
I’m a drummer…
I hear a song and then seek out the most efficient scale for the small screen. But it’s a long, fascinating list, and it’d be great if right below “Create Instrument” there’s a feature to tap in and save my own scale.
- Well, after those three, chording buttons sound interesting, though I wish for a chording interface where you can still play all the keys. … but I trust you harmonic guys know best how to handle this.
- And there’s Undo… always good to have…
Small, ignorable, stuff:
Easy-access volume for each instrument.
An optional 1-2 seconds to “pinch” (spread and shift) the span, octave & key after choosing a new instrument seems intuitive.
Unsure if the settings (span, octave, key, fx and control) are remembered for each instrument when last used, but it would be (or is) very useful.
Track naming, and select & merge two or more loop tracks. Solo buttons.
Auditioning Instruments without closing the window (just like with scales). Though with experience, the immediacy of “choose and play” is nice. But with new instruments or just to see what instrument sounds good over a loop, it 'd be nice….
Double-tap to hide menus as well as reveal them. (Can still keep in menu for newbies). Possible triple tap to show/hide Key Controls.
More motion-controlled fx? Wah, Distortion, Flanger? Vocoder using different directions?? Simple compression for each track? I know, too much…
But finally, a question or two: I’ve played with a 3gs and a 2g and they’re out of tune. My guess is it’s the limited 2g power (the looper also sometimes plays super slow).
Secondly, I can’t seem to get Bluetooth collaboration between the two, I imagine again, 2g issue. Do phones have to be “paired” in General Settings, before Thumbjam pairs (they don’t see each other)? (And just to be clear on it’s function, Bluetooth Collaboration allows the follower player’s loops to change tempo to sync with the leader’s loops?)
Okay, so much for being at a loss of words. Anyway, please consider the top three wishes, all of them, or none... You’ve done an incredible job, and Thumbjam has exceeded expectations.
I look forward to a very creative future…
In thanks,
This is the first time I’m actually writing and sending my thoughts on an app.
I’m kind of at a loss for words. As a musician, I’m thrilled to have such a playable & compositional tool. In my phone, in my pocket, always. You’ve provided practically everything needed, in the right priorities. I can’t say enough about Thumbjam.
And of course, I want more…
And as Feature Requests are the largest section of the forum, it seems requests evidence quality. So in the hopes that these are helpful down the road, I share my own.
- “Mixer Mute Sets” seems a simple solution for providing an A, B, C, D, song structure. Along with a track to select them.
(I don’t miss quantization, loop or note editing, or even tempo change (ok, maybe), because I love the musician’s approach. What you play is what you get, and it emphasizes a “live” approach instead of the “editing” producer’s approach. For me, it’s the key to the simplified complexity of TJ. You’ve kept it in the now.)
- And on the playing side…
Velocity sensitivity…
I use X-axis volume, but harder hits for more sound is a universal law of sound and music… and it’s always weird when e-thingies don’t do it. I know it’s tricky with the iphone, but may just be possible…
- The last of my top three: saving customizable scales from the Chromatic scale.
I’m a drummer…
I hear a song and then seek out the most efficient scale for the small screen. But it’s a long, fascinating list, and it’d be great if right below “Create Instrument” there’s a feature to tap in and save my own scale.
- Well, after those three, chording buttons sound interesting, though I wish for a chording interface where you can still play all the keys. … but I trust you harmonic guys know best how to handle this.
- And there’s Undo… always good to have…
Small, ignorable, stuff:
Easy-access volume for each instrument.
An optional 1-2 seconds to “pinch” (spread and shift) the span, octave & key after choosing a new instrument seems intuitive.
Unsure if the settings (span, octave, key, fx and control) are remembered for each instrument when last used, but it would be (or is) very useful.
Track naming, and select & merge two or more loop tracks. Solo buttons.
Auditioning Instruments without closing the window (just like with scales). Though with experience, the immediacy of “choose and play” is nice. But with new instruments or just to see what instrument sounds good over a loop, it 'd be nice….
Double-tap to hide menus as well as reveal them. (Can still keep in menu for newbies). Possible triple tap to show/hide Key Controls.
More motion-controlled fx? Wah, Distortion, Flanger? Vocoder using different directions?? Simple compression for each track? I know, too much…
But finally, a question or two: I’ve played with a 3gs and a 2g and they’re out of tune. My guess is it’s the limited 2g power (the looper also sometimes plays super slow).
Secondly, I can’t seem to get Bluetooth collaboration between the two, I imagine again, 2g issue. Do phones have to be “paired” in General Settings, before Thumbjam pairs (they don’t see each other)? (And just to be clear on it’s function, Bluetooth Collaboration allows the follower player’s loops to change tempo to sync with the leader’s loops?)
Okay, so much for being at a loss of words. Anyway, please consider the top three wishes, all of them, or none... You’ve done an incredible job, and Thumbjam has exceeded expectations.
I look forward to a very creative future…
In thanks,