Wowww, great news Jesse!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you!!!
What follows is just a wish list, of course I don't know what can be done or not (or, at least, what can be done without wasting too much time for programming).
First of all, since the iPhone is placed horizontally on the SynthStation25, it would be cool to have a switch to a custom landscape mode where the main "keyboard" is displayed small on the bottom of the screen (exactly as when you are in the Scale selection screen) and all the main commands useful for use with an external keyboard (this could be useful for use with Core MIDI and MIDI Mobilizer as well) are displayed. In my opinion, the best option would be to have a menu on top of the screen to choose pages with the various options for Instrument selection, Loop controls, Effects setup, Controls setup and Sample setup.
I will make some sample screenshots with Photoshop later to explain this idea better.
For a live use I would love to have the SynthStation25 keys mapped this way:
- Pitch bend: defaults to pitch bend, but user can select to assign it to other expressions
- Expression wheel: defaults to primary instrument expression, but user can select to assign it to other expressions (for exaplme in Electric Guitar defaults to vibrato but could be assigned to tremolo).
For instruments like Grand Piano, for example, I think it would be great to have the possibility to assign the expression wheel to Release Time, since of course the SynthStation25 doesn't have a sustain pedal, it would be useful to "simulate" it. The best thing would be to have the lower setting of the wheel set to the instrument default release to avoid super-short useless release times during modulation. For exaple, with Grand Piano: wheel at 0 = default Release Time 446 ms > wheel at 100% = Release Time 5000 ms (or even better if the user can select a custom range).
Keys on the right hand side:
- Drums: defaults to Drums, if pressed again switches to next drums/percussion instrument (and so on, so you can cycle all drums and percussions with one key)
The three synth selection keys could be used in two ways I think, but I can't figure out what would be the best, my various options for each key could be:
- Key "Synth 1":
1) selects the first User instrument - if pressed a second time (blinking key light) chooses the second user instrument (as already happens in other apps with the SynthStation25)
2) (or) switches Reverb on/off
- Key "Synth 2":
1) selects the third User instrument - if pressed a second time (blinking key light) chooses the fourth user instrument
2) (or) switches Delay on/off
- Key "Synth 3":
1) selects the fifth User instrument - if pressed a second time (blinking key light) chooses the sixt user instrument
2) (or) assigned to Record Loop Stop (Finish Record in the top right corner of the app)
- Program Prev and Next: selects Instruments in the Defaults category
- Octave Down/Up: switches octave on the SS25 keyboard
If something else comes to my mind I will be happy to add it
Thank you very much for your attention!!!