First of all, you've done a great job with Thumbjam and your replies in this forum are a great way to understand your vision.
Special thanks for the integration of Sonoma AudioCopy/AudioPaste and Intua Pasteboard, you clearly have understand something that too much music app provider didn't.
Here is my feature request: Chords
It would be great to be able to directly play chords (Major, Minor, 7th, ...). A good example of what could be done and I think match with your "new instrument" vision is "Simple Songwriter" interface (a free version is available in the App store). Using the chosen key, only few chords, minor/major/7th, inversions are displayed (according to harmonic progressions). The idea would be to adapt the Thumbjam keyboard/keypad to have access to some chords according to the chosen scale and key.
It would be great to record a rhythmic grid with piano or guitar. Perhaps with an option, an arpeggio could even be added.
Thanks a lot for Thumbjam,
P.S.: I know it is not a "Thumbjam compliant" request