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Mixdown current loops
Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2010 5:30 pm
by mat
Maybe am I stating the obvious (or more embarassing: an existing feature I'd fail to notice...) but wouldn't it make sense to be able to turn multiple loops (those active and sounding in the mixer for example)into a unique one (hence the title of my post: mixdown). Indeed, as I'm just a no good at multi tapping drum parts, I tend to overlay two to five or six drum loops, and in the end it's just one drum line. Having it down to one loop only for memory and display's sake would be nice. Interface implementation: one button in the mixer: Mixdown. Confirmation. the new loop would be named Mixdown and that's it. Easy, no, Jesse?
Yep, good idea, and it's been
Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2010 7:19 pm
by Jesse
Yep, good idea, and it's been mentioned before. I like your interface suggestion too.
I have almost completed
Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2010 1:19 pm
by Jesse
I have almost completed implementation of the loop mixdown feature, it will be included in the next version. It will present three options when you Save a loop set: Save Set, Save Set and Mixdown, and Save Mixdown Only. A mixed-down loop will be named the same but be a single WAV file put in the Loops area instead of the Loop Sets area. This way the loop set is unaffected, it just mixes down the current version and stores it. However, I do recognize that the mixdown feature as described by the original poster is also useful because it effectively bounces it all down to one loop, removes the originals, and loads the mixdown in one step. I'll consider adding that shortcut as well.
The mixed-down loop length will be equal to the longest of any loops in the set.
Great news! Thanks for
Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2010 2:36 am
by mat
Great news! Thanks for keeping the simplest form of mixdown in consideration.
Crabmaster, I use "session record" to do what you describe and trim the resulting wav manually if needed using Monle or Multitrack but I must say your request makes a lot of sense and Jesse's plan is really great and will offer the needed accuracy.
Does it have anything to do
Posted: Tue Aug 31, 2010 12:44 pm
by Jesse
Does it have anything to do with the loops copied, or does FourTrack just sound crackly all the time (with any audio sources) when TJ is running in the background?