Just wondering, does TJ still output the CC's generated from the accelerometer when it is in the background? From memory I don't think it does when I was last looking for a background controller app that can do that in the background. Also, when you get around to adding Wind Noise as control for a CC parameter, would be good if you can keep it active in the background as well. On it's own and as a MIDI controller TJ is incomparable(ok ok, I love the iFretless too! hehe)

Update on the Songbird Toot device: As my last post on the Songbird app and Toot still has not appeared on the forum, I will fill in a bit of info. The Songbird app is a delightful yet basic Ocarina app that use the Mic Input Noise level and fingering to play the virtual Ocarina. What got me interested is that they also sell an accessory on their website that allow one to plug it into the 30pin connector and allow better breath control and iPhone hand support. I have just emailed the manufacturer about whether the Toot can be used to output MIDI CC's to other apps and unfortunately the answer is no.

Meanwhile I will try to make a mouthpiece gig from Acrylic to be attached to my 5s that will direct the air to the mic vicinity(probably not directly onto the mic as I am concerned about the mic getting flooded by my Saliva. I remember back in high school they had to mop up after my recorder performance!!! Hopefully will see the Noise Level input implemented in TJ soon!