I have two suggestion regarding the retrigger behaviour that could make TJ an even greater "beat paint tool".
1: As far as I see, the RTI quantization kicks in as soon as you put a finger on a pad and slide it to the next pad within the set retrigger interval time frame. If you stay longer on a pad and then move the finger to the next pad, no quantization occurs. If, in this case, you move the finger further to another pad (again, within the set interval time frame) the quantization grid gets reset and quantization will be active again.
I would love to have the following behaviour: The RTI quantization grid starts when you put a finger on a pad. It works independent from the time you stay with your finger on the pad. If you decide to move your finger after seconds, even minutes, the grid you startet by hitting the pad ist still active and quantiizes the retriggering of the new pad to the next grid line, say Bar or 16th note. This way, when playing longer samples or looped stuff, sliding to a new pad would always be quantized as long as the finger isn't lifted. This would be perfect for keeping the groove with much more sample material than now, for example with loop segments of different length...

The quantization grid would be reset by lifting the finger (all fingers, see below) off the surface for a moment and the touching a pad again.
2: When you slide a finger across the pads to play an "RTI beat" and then start using a second finger to play a secong one, the second finger starts a new quantization grid that is not related to the first. You have to hit the pad exactly in time with the second finger, else the second loop ist somewhat offset to the first.
I would prefer if the quatizartion grid from the first finger could be used for further fingers, so that all fingers are automatically in sync. Hitting a pad with the second finger would not need to be quantized here (i guess this can't be done well), but sliding to a new pad should.
Thanks for reading and keep up the good work!